What's happening to Daily Bots?
Based on community feedback, we're merging Daily Bots with Pipecat Cloud, our new hosting platform that gives you more flexibility and significantly lower costs.
For context, Daily Bots is built on Pipecat, the 100% open source framework maintained by Daily. Since we released Daily Bots, developers have asked if we could merge more of Pipecat's flexibility into Daily Bots. With Pipecat Cloud, you'll gain:
- Complete control of your voice AI pipeline
- Deeper customization options and expanded service integrations
- Significantly lower costs - see pricing for Pipecat Cloud here
Daily Bots will sunset on July 1, 2025. The migration guide walks through how to shift to Pipecat Cloud: Migration Guide
We're here to help. Email help@daily.co to reach developer support. Join the Pipecat Cloud Discord to get help from the Pipecat team.