How Teamflow set up a working prototype of their virtual office in 3 hours thanks to the "simplicity" of Daily's API

Key wins
- Daily delivered unrivaled time to value and developer support, compared to other solutions: Crivello got a working prototype of his design running in 3 hours.
- The "simplicity" of Daily's API, along with high-quality docs and sample code, accelerated the development of advanced features, like spatial audio.
- Teamflow iterated quickly, from prototype to launch, with developer support from Daily. "The Daily team is super responsive," Crivello said.
Helping distributed teams recover the flow of working in person
When Flo Crivello founded Teamflow, his goal was to design a virtual office that provided "that emotional function of feeling like you're inside a space, hanging out with people." He found existing tools "a bit too transactional, and too focused on productivity. We want to bring a little bit more fun to the office."
Teamflow's interface resembles a physical office, which users can decorate and furnish whichever way they like. Users can integrate apps such as a white board, scratch pad, or screen share. There is a spatial audio component, meaning that users can talk and hear only users who are nearby.
Crivello needed a flexible API that could support the type of ambitious UI he had in mind. After testing several video call APIs, Crivello chose Daily for the "simplicity" of the API, the quality of resources, and the overall developer experience. "I actually started building Teamflow by modifying a code sample and moving things around," Crivello said, noting that the docs are "very, very good!"
Product highlights
Spatial audio
When a user joins Teamflow, they see their video in a bubble on a virtual floor plan. Users navigate space by dragging their bubble and can only hear other people who are near them. To start chatting with someone, you simply drag your bubble over and start talking.
Persistent video rooms
Rooms — the spatial element of Teamflow, where users interact — stay the same once you leave them.
An imaginative video UX
Crivello initially considered building the video call component of his product himself, but quickly realized that a video call API would radically cut development time. Building with Daily's call object, Crivello was able to get a working prototype up and running in three hours.